DH Public API Overview
Model Overview
Datahub introduces several interconnected entities
- Database
- Record
- Field
- Folder (not to be mistaken with Folder in Wrike)

Database contains Records (rows) and defines their structure via Fields
Records are elements of customer data
Each Record in a Database has the same set of Fields. Each field has its data type along with some type-specific settings
Databases belong to Wrike Spaces and are organized through Folders
Each Wrike Space always have exactly one root Folder
Folders can contain other Folders (which allows to have a complex navigation tree) and Databases
Endpoints/Operations Overview
Navigating folders
All the information within Datahub belongs to spaces and is organized into folders. Each space has exactly one root folder. Each folder (including the root folder) may contain other folders and databases
- to get the root folder of a space, use
GET /spaces/{spaceId}/root/folder
- if a folder ID (or IDs) is already known, use
orGET /folders?folderIds={ids}
GET /folders/{folderId}
- folders form a navigation tree, so you can query subfolders of a known folder
GET /folders/{folderId}/folders
- It is also possible to query the entity tree using the withDescendants parameter
GET /folders?folderIds={ids}&withDescendatnts=true
Retrieving Databases
Databases always reside in folders, so to get a database, we need either its ID or the ID of a containing folder
GET /folders/{folderId}/databases
GET /databases?databaseIds={ids}
GET /databases/{databaseId}
Retrieving Database Structure (Fields)
Databases define the structure (model) of stored records via fields. It is possible to query fields individually (by ID) or in batches
GET /databases/{databaseId}/fields
GET /databases/{databaseId}/fields/{fieldId}
Retrieving Records
Records can be retrieved individually (by ID) or in batches
GET /databases/{databaseId}/records
GET /databases/{databaseId}/records/{recordId}
Creating Entities
To create an entity, issue a
request to the following endpoints
- note that this endpoint allows creating multiple records at once
Editing or Deleting Entities
To edit or delete an entity, issue a
request to the following endpoints
- note that this endpoint allows deleting multiple records at once
Batch Editing of Records
It is possible to mass-edit multiple records with a single request
PATCH /databases/{databaseId}/records
Pagination Mechanism
Some endpoints may return a large number of entities. To avoid sending too much data at once, we employ a pagination mechanism in:
GET /databases/{databaseId}/records
GET /databases/{databaseId}/fields
GET /folders/{folderId}/databases
GET /databases
GET /folders
GET /folders/{folderId}/folders
Any of these endpoints has an optional pagination parameter which contains
- obtained from the previous page response -
- how many entities to return in a single page (default=100, max=1000)
The first page is obtained without specifying a page token. Response will contain a token for querying the next page if there is more data which can fit on the page.
Note that page tokens are session-bound so it is impossible to use them after a session expires. Currently the session lasts for up to 3 hours.
Idempotency mechanism
It is possible that the API client is unable to tell apart situations where an edit request was not received and processed by the server from situations where a request was processed and the response was lost. For example, this may happen due to network problems. So in the case of duplicated requests from the client, the effect on the system should be the same as the effect of of a single request (this behavior is called idempotent).
The current API guarantees idempotency of PATCH
requests (as required according to
REST practices). Additionally, POST
requests are designed in a way to support
idempotency. That is why the request body for all POST
requests has to contain a requestId field.
The client has to generate a unique requestId for each request. In the case of a retry, the client should use
the same requestId as was sent with the request that is being retried. You can use any non-empty value for the requestId field,
good practice is to use a freshly generated UUID.
Note that for POST
endpoints idempotent retry is supported within a short period
of time after the
initial request (3 hours). This time period is an implementation detail and is subject to change without notice.