Data Export
Data Export API allows you to export all account data for future import to third-party analytics tools (e.g. Tableau or PowerBI). The data is stored in tables, which are connected using foreign key identifiers (like in a relational database). Each table is stored as a separate .csv file, and the API returns a link for each file.
The CSV file links require authorization similar to all other API methods.
Documentation for Data Export schema and tables can be found here.
Data Export takes time to be generated. If it’s the first time you generate a Data Export, a 202 response code is returned and generation starts automatically, so you can access your Export later. After the first time, the Export is automatically updated every day, and a new Export is available through API.
The API is available to account owners and admins on Enterprise plan with the right to “Export account data”.
The CSV file links require authorization similar to all other API methods.
Documentation for Data Export schema and tables can be found here.
Data Export takes time to be generated. If it’s the first time you generate a Data Export, a 202 response code is returned and generation starts automatically, so you can access your Export later. After the first time, the Export is automatically updated every day, and a new Export is available through API.
The API is available to account owners and admins on Enterprise plan with the right to “Export account data”.
Get Data Export
Scopes: dataExportFull
Refresh Data Export
Scopes: dataExportFull
Get Data Export Schema
Scopes: dataExportFull